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Going full sci-fi, the consistently great design podcast 99% Invisible has a new episode out on post-WWII Gamma Gardens, where plants were grown around radioactive towers in an attempt to accelerate plant breeding. Today, developments in CRISPR-Cas9 are beginning to pick up, with patent battles and proposals to employ the technology to tinker with seasonality and even to induce the first new wave of plant domestication since the Neolithic Revolution.
tangled full movie with english subtitles
Reviewers have objected most of all to scenes of Iranians in loud, passionate street demonstrations because they look too angry. I know the past decade has been very hard on antiwar morale for critics as much as for activists, but it was a revolution. Angry shouting happened, in Farsi, with no subtitles. We need to be able to imagine what that was like. Having violently crushed the 2009 demonstrations of tens of thousands of Iranians calling for democratic reforms, the Ahmedinejad regime might not have banned Argo last month if it showed smiling revolutionaries giving out free hugs. 2ff7e9595c