"Smells Like Teen Spirit" is the sixth episode of the third season of The CW television series, The Vampire Diaries and the 50th episode of the series overall. It originally aired on October 20, 2011. The episode was written by Julie Plec and Caroline Dries and directed by Rob Hardy.
watch the vampire diaries season 3 episode 6
Diana Steenbergen of IGN rated the episode an 8/10, saying that it had a lot of action "Even though some of the storylines felt like they took a step forward only to take a step backward again, it was fun to watch all the back and forth. And there was one heck of a surprise return at the end."[4]
Caroline Preece from Den of Geek gave a mixed review to the episode saying that the ghosts took the center stage this week. "After last week's standout episode pushed Vampire Diaries forward a few thousand steps, this week it's back to school, keeping with the nostalgic teen drama of the season, but losing some of the momentum that made last week so much fun."[5]
Seasons 1-3 focus on a normal girl dealing with the extraordinary repercussions of falling for not one, but two vampires. The finale is the penultimate episode as Elena finally admits her love for both Salvatores and makes a decision between the two, culminating in a heartbreaking goodbye.
Updated on September 24th, 2021 by Kevin Pantoja: There was actually so much heartbreak on this series that it's actually difficult to fully narrow down the saddest Vampire Diaries episodes. Throughout the show's eight seasons, there were installments where characters broke up, were killed off, dealt with trauma, and had almost countless things happen to them to send them into tears. The audience was right there with them, weeping for the most part during the runtime of these episodes for various reasons. Some even manage to get sadder the more times you watch them.
The love triangle at the center of the series was seemingly cemented in "Graduation." Although Elena picked Stefan at the end of season 3, turning into a vampire changed things and she grew closer and closer to Damon as time went on. In the finale, she finally admitted her love to Damon.
After the Katherine arc wrapped up in season 2's "Masquerade," the next storyline involved new characters like Elijah and Rose. The latter stuck around for a handful of episodes and she managed to form a bond with the main characters, especially Damon Salvatore.
To save Jeremy, Bonnie Bennett made the ultimate sacrifice. The first few episodes of season 5 saw her communicate with her friends through Jeremy, not wanting to tell the truth and hurt them after all they've been through. As everyone needed Bonnie by this point, Jeremy finally revealed the truth.
For all you Stelena fans out there, Elena and Stefan's first time together was romance goals. Though they were at odds during the episode (after having the classic "I'm a vampire, you're a human, we can't be together" argument every couple goes through), Elena tells the younger Salvatore brother she loves him and the two have sex for the first (and definitely not last) time.
What do you get when you mix a hybrid and a werewolf? The Vampire Diaries spinoff series, The Originals. During one of The Vampire Diaries' crossover episodes (which led right into the spinoff series), vampire Klaus hooks up with werewolf Hayley in a very random yet very hot plot twist. The tryst results in Hayley getting pregnant, which sets The Originals in motion and leads to many more wondrous on-screen sex scenes. 2ff7e9595c