2.A. Control (continued)ContentsContents
Chapter 01: Introduction
Chapter 02: Control
Chapter 02a: Control (continued)
Chapter 03: Patient Administration
Chapter 04: Order Entry
Chapter 05: Query
Chapter 06: Financial Management
Chapter 07: Observation Reporting
Chapter 08: Master Files
Chapter 09: Medical Records/Information Management (Document Management)
Chapter 10: Scheduling
Chapter 11: Patient Referral
Chapter 12: Patient Care
Chapter 13: Clinical Laboratory Automation
Chapter 14: Application Management
Chapter 15: Personnel Management
2.A . Control (continued)
2.A.1.1 AD - address
2.A.1.1.1 Street Address (ST)
2.A.1.1.2 Other Designation (ST)
2.A.1.1.3 City (ST)
2.A.1.1.4 State or Province (ST)
2.A.1.1.5 Zip or Postal Code (ST)
2.A.1.1.6 Country (ID)
2.A.1.1.7 Address Type (ID)
2.A.1.1.8 Other geographic designation (ST)
2.A.1.2 AUI - authorization information
2.A.1.2.1 Authorization Number (ST)
2.A.1.2.2 Date (DT)
2.A.1.2.3 Source (ST)
2.A.1.3 CCD - charge code and date
2.A.1.3.1 Invocation Event (ID)
2.A.1.3.2 Date/time (TS)
2.A.1.4 CCP - channel calibration parameters
2.A.1.4.1 Channel Calibration Sensitivity Correction Factor (NM)
2.A.1.4.2 Channel Calibration Baseline (NM)
2.A.1.4.3 Channel Calibration Time Skew (NM)
2.A.1.5 CD - channel definition
2.A.1.5.1 Channel Identifier (WVI)
2.A.1.5.2 Channel Sensitivity and Units (CSU)
2.A.1.5.3 Channel Calibration Parameters (CCP)
2.A.1.5.4 Channel Sampling Frequency (NM)
2.A.1.5.5 Minimum and Maximum Data Values (NR)
2.A.1.6 CE - coded element
2.A.1.6.1 Identifier (ST)
2.A.1.6.2 Text (ST)
2.A.1.6.3 Name of Coding System (ID)
2.A.1.6.4 Alternate Identifier (ST)
2.A.1.6.5 Alternate Text (ST)
2.A.1.6.6 Name of Alternate Coding System (ID)
2.A.1.7 CF - coded element with formatted values
2.A.1.7.1 Identifier (ST)
2.A.1.7.2 Formatted Text (FT)
2.A.1.7.3 Name of Coding System (ID)
2.A.1.7.4 Alternate Identifier (ST)
2.A.1.7.5 Alternate Formatted Text (FT)
2.A.1.7.6 Name of Alternate Coding System (ID)
2.A.1.8 CNE - coded with no exceptions
2.A.1.8.0 Hidden text
2.A.1.8.1 Identifier (ST)
2.A.1.8.2 Text (ST)
2.A.1.8.3 Name of Coding System (ID)
2.A.1.8.4 Alternate Identifier (ST)
2.A.1.8.5 Alternate Text (ST)
2.A.1.8.6 Name of Alternate Coding System (ID)
2.A.1.8.7 Coding System Version ID (ST)
2.A.1.8.8 Alternate Coding System Version ID (ST)
2.A.1.8.9 Original Text (ST)
2.A.1.9 CNN - composite ID number and name simplified
2.A.1.9.0 Hidden text
2.A.1.9.1 ID Number (ST)
2.A.1.9.2 Family Name (ST)
2.A.1.9.3 Given Name (ST)
2.A.1.9.4 Second and Further Given Names or Initials Thereof (ST)
2.A.1.9.5 Suffix (ST)
2.A.1.9.6 Prefix (ST)
2.A.1.9.7 Degree (IS)
2.A.1.9.8 Source Table (IS)
2.A.1.9.9 Assigning Authority - Namespace ID (IS)
2.A.1.9.10 Assigning Authority - Universal ID (ST)
2.A.1.9.11 Assigning Authority - Universal ID Type (ID)
2.A.1.10 CP - composite price
2.A.1.10.1 Price (MO)
2.A.1.10.2 Price Type (ID)
2.A.1.10.3 From Value (NM)
2.A.1.10.4 To Value (NM)
2.A.1.10.5 Range Units (CE)
2.A.1.10.6 Range Type (ID)
2.A.1.11 CQ - composite quantity with units
2.A.1.11.1 Quantity (NM)
2.A.1.11.2 Units (CE)
2.A.1.12 CSU - channel sensitivity
2.A.1.12.1 Channel Sensitivity (NM)
2.A.1.12.2 Unit of Measure Identifier (ST)
2.A.1.12.3 Unit of Measure Description (ST)
2.A.1.12.4 Unit of Measure Coding System (IS)
2.A.1.12.5 Alternate Unit of Measure Identifier (ST)
2.A.1.12.6 Alternate Unit of Measure Description (ST)
2.A.1.12.7 Alternate Unit of Measure Coding System (IS)
2.A.1.13 CWE - coded with exceptions
2.A.1.13.1 Identifier (ST)
2.A.1.13.2 Text (ST)
2.A.1.13.3 Name of Coding System (ID)
2.A.1.13.4 Alternate Identifier (ST)
2.A.1.13.5 Alternate Text (ST)
2.A.1.13.6 Name of Alternate Coding System (ID)
2.A.1.13.7 Coding System Version ID (ST)
2.A.1.13.8 Alternate Coding System Version ID (ST)
2.A.1.13.9 Original Text (ST)
2.A.1.14 CX - extended composite ID with check digit
2.A.1.14.1 ID (ST)
2.A.1.14.2 Check Digit (ST)
2.A.1.14.3 Check Digit Scheme (ID)
2.A.1.14.4 Assigning Authority (HD)
2.A.1.14.5 Identifier Type Code (ID)
2.A.1.14.6 Assigning Facility (HD)
2.A.1.14.7 Effective Date (DT)
2.A.1.14.8 Expiration Date (DT)
2.A.1.14.9 Assigning Jurisdiction (CWE)
2.A.1.14.10 Assigning Agency or Department (CWE)
2.A.1.15 DDI - daily deductible information
2.A.1.15.1 Delay Days (NM)
2.A.1.15.2 Monetary Amount (MO)
2.A.1.15.3 Number of Days (NM)
2.A.1.16 DIN - date and institution name
2.A.1.16.1 Date (TS)
2.A.1.16.2 Institution Name (CE)
2.A.1.17 DLD - discharge to location and date
2.A.1.17.1 Discharge Location (IS)
2.A.1.17.2 Effective Date (TS)
2.A.1.18 DLN - driver's license number
2.A.1.18.1 Driver's License Number (as ST data type)
2.A.1.18.2 Issuing State, Province, Country (IS)
2.A.1.18.3 Expiration Date (DT)
2.A.1.19 DLT - delta
2.A.1.19.1 Normal Range (NR)
2.A.1.19.2 Numeric Threshold (NM)
2.A.1.19.3 Change Computation (ID)
2.A.1.19.4 Days Retained (NR)
2.A.1.20 DR - date/time range
2.A.1.20.1 Range Start Date/Time (TS)
2.A.1.20.2 Range End Date/Time (TS)
2.A.1.21 DT - date
2.A.1.22 DTM - date/time
2.A.1.23 DTN - day type and number
2.A.1.23.1 Day Type (IS)
2.A.1.23.2 Number of Days (NM)
2.A.1.24 ED - encapsulated data
2.A.1.24.1 Source Application (HD)
2.A.1.24.2 Type of Data (ID)
2.A.1.24.3 Data Subtype (ID)
2.A.1.24.4 Encoding (ID)
2.A.1.24.5 Data (TX)
2.A.1.25 EI - entity identifier
2.A.1.25.1 Entity Identifier (ST)
2.A.1.25.2 Namespace ID (IS)
2.A.1.25.3 Universal ID (ST)
2.A.1.25.4 Universal ID Type (ID)
2.A.1.26 EIP - entity identifier pair
2.A.1.26.1 Placer Assigned Identifier (EI)
2.A.1.26.2 Filler Assigned Identifier (EI)
2.A.1.27 ELD - error location and description
2.A.1.27.1 Segment ID (ST)
2.A.1.27.2 Segment sequence (NM)
2.A.1.27.3 Field Position (NM)
2.A.1.27.4 Code Identifying Error (CE)
2.A.1.28 ERL - error location
2.A.1.28.1 Segment ID (ST)
2.A.1.28.2 Segment Sequence (NM)
2.A.1.28.3 Field Position (NM)
2.A.1.28.4 Field Repetition (NM)
2.A.1.28.5 Component Number (NM)
2.A.1.28.6 Sub-Component Number (NM)
2.A.1.29 FC - financial class
2.A.1.29.1 Financial Class Code(IS)
2.A.1.29.2 Effective Date (TS)
2.A.1.30 FN - family name
2.A.1.30.1 Surname (ST)
2.A.1.30.2 Own Surname Prefix (ST)
2.A.1.30.3 Own Surname (ST)
2.A.1.30.4 Surname Prefix from Partner/Spouse (ST)
2.A.1.30.5 Surname from Partner/Spouse (ST)
2.A.1.31 FT - formatted text data
2.A.1.32 GTS - general timing specification
2.A.1.33 HD - hierarchic designator
2.A.1.33.1 Namespace ID (IS)
2.A.1.33.2 Universal ID (ST)
2.A.1.33.3 Universal ID Type (ID)
2.A.1.34 ICD - insurance certification definition
2.A.1.34.1 Certification Patient Type (IS)
2.A.1.34.2 Certification Required (ID)
2.A.1.34.3 Date/Time Certification Required (TS)
2.A.1.35 ID - coded value for HL7 defined tables
2.A.1.36 IS - coded value for user-defined tables
2.A.1.37 JCC - job code/class
2.A.1.37.1 Job Code (IS)
2.A.1.37.2 Job Class (IS)
2.A.1.37.3 Job Description Text (TX)
2.A.1.38 LA1 - location with address variation 1
2.A.1.38.1 Point of Care (IS)
2.A.1.38.2 Room (IS)
2.A.1.38.3 Bed (IS)
2.A.1.38.4 Facility (HD)
2.A.1.38.5 Location Status (IS)
2.A.1.38.6 Patient Location Type (IS)
2.A.1.38.7 Building (IS)
2.A.1.38.8 Floor (IS)
2.A.1.38.9 Location Description (ST)
2.A.1.38.10 Address (AD)
2.A.1.39 LA2 - location with address variation 2
2.A.1.39.1 Point of Care (IS)
2.A.1.39.2 Room (IS)
2.A.1.39.3 Bed (IS)
2.A.1.39.4 Facility (HD)
2.A.1.39.5 Location Status (IS)
2.A.1.39.6 Patient Location Type (IS)
2.A.1.39.7 Building (IS)
2.A.1.39.8 Floor (IS)
2.A.1.39.9 Street Address (ST)
2.A.1.39.10 Other Designation (ST)
2.A.1.39.11 City (ST)
2.A.1.39.12 State or Province (ST)
2.A.1.39.13 Zip or Postal Code (ST)
2.A.1.39.14 Country (ID)
2.A.1.39.15 Address Type (ID)
2.A.1.39.16 Other Geographic Designation (ST)
2.A.1.40 MA - multiplexed array
2.A.1.41 MO - money
2.A.1.41.1 Quantity (NM)
2.A.1.41.2 Denomination (ID)
2.A.1.42 MOC - money and charge code
2.A.1.42.0 Monetary Amount (MO)
2.A.1.42.1 Charge Code (CE)
2.A.1.43 MOP - money or percentage
2.A.1.43.1 Money or Percentage Indicator (ID)
2.A.1.43.2 Money or Percentage Quantity (NM)
2.A.1.43.3 Currency Denomination (ID)
2.A.1.44 MSG - message type
2.A.1.44.1 Message Code (ID)
2.A.1.44.2 Trigger Event (ID)
2.A.1.44.3 Message Structure (ID)
2.A.1.45 NA - numeric array
2.A.1.46 NDL - name with date and location
2.A.1.46.1 Name (CNN)
2.A.1.46.2 Start date/time (TS)
2.A.1.46.3 End Date/time (TS)
2.A.1.46.4 Point of Care (IS)
2.A.1.46.5 Room (IS)
2.A.1.46.6 Bed (IS)
2.A.1.46.7 Facility (HD)
2.A.1.46.8 Location Status (IS)
2.A.1.46.9 Location Type (IS)
2.A.1.46.10 Building (IS)
2.A.1.46.11 Floor (IS)
2.A.1.47 NM - numeric
2.A.1.48 NR - numeric range
2.A.1.48.1 Low Value (NM)
2.A.1.48.2 High Value (NM)
2.A.1.49 OCD - occurrence code and date
2.A.1.49.1 Occurrence Code (CNE)
2.A.1.49.2 Occurrence Date (DT)
2.A.1.50 OSD - order sequence definition
2.A.1.50.1 Sequence/Results Flag (ID)
2.A.1.50.2 Placer Order Number: Entity Identifier (ST)
2.A.1.50.3 Placer Order Number: Namespace ID (IS)
2.A.1.50.4 Filler Order Number: Entity Identifier (ST)
2.A.1.50.5 Filler Order Number: Namespace ID (IS)
2.A.1.50.6 Sequence Condition Value (ST)
2.A.1.50.7 Maximum Number of Repeats (NM)
2.A.1.50.8 Placer Order Number: Universal ID (ST)
2.A.1.50.9 Placer Order Number: Universal ID Type (ID)
2.A.1.50.10 Filler Order Number: Universal ID (ST)
2.A.1.50.11 Filler Order Number: Universal ID Type (ID)
2.A.1.51 OSP - occurrence span code and date
2.A.1.51.0 Occurrence Span Code (CNE)
2.A.1.51.1 Occurrence Span Start Date (DT)
2.A.1.51.2 Occurrence Span Stop Date (DT)
2.A.1.52 PIP - practitioner institutional privileges
2.A.1.52.1 Privilege (CE)
2.A.1.52.2 Privilege Class (CE)
2.A.1.52.3 Expiration Date (DT)
2.A.1.52.4 Activation Date (DT)
2.A.1.52.5 Facility (EI)
2.A.1.53 PL - person location
2.A.1.53.1 Point of Care (IS)
2.A.1.53.2 Room (IS)
2.A.1.53.3 Bed (IS)
2.A.1.53.4 Facility (HD)
2.A.1.53.5 Location Status (IS)
2.A.1.53.6 Person Location Type (IS)
2.A.1.53.7 Building (IS)
2.A.1.53.8 Floor (IS)
2.A.1.53.9 Location Description (ST)
2.A.1.53.10 Comprehensive Location Identifier (EI)
2.A.1.53.11 Assigning Authority for Location (HD)
2.A.1.54 PLN - practitioner license or other Id number
2.A.1.54.1 ID Number (ST)
2.A.1.54.2 Type of ID Number (IS)
2.A.1.54.3 State/other Qualifying Information (ST)
2.A.1.54.4 Expiration date (DT)
2.A.1.55 PPN - performing person time stamp
2.A.1.55.1 ID Number (ST)
2.A.1.55.2 Family Name (FN)
2.A.1.55.3 Given Name (ST)
2.A.1.55.4 Second and Further Given Names or Initials Thereof (ST)
2.A.1.55.5 Suffix (ST)
2.A.1.55.6 Prefix (ST)
2.A.1.55.7 Degree (IS)
2.A.1.55.8 Source Table (IS)
2.A.1.55.9 Assigning Authority (HD)
2.A.1.55.10 Name Type Code (ID)
2.A.1.55.11 Identifier Check Digit (ST)
2.A.1.55.12 Check Digit Scheme (ID)
2.A.1.55.13 Identifier Type Code (ID)
2.A.1.55.14 Assigning Facility (HD)
2.A.1.55.15 Date/Time Action Performed (TS)
2.A.1.55.16 Name Representation Code (ID)
2.A.1.55.17 Name Context (CE)
2.A.1.55.18 Name Validity Range (DR)
2.A.1.55.19 Name Assembly Order (ID)
2.A.1.55.20 Effective Date (TS)
2.A.1.55.21 Expiration Date (TS)
2.A.1.55.22 Professional Suffix (ST)
2.A.1.55.23 Assigning Jurisdiction (CWE)
2.A.1.55.24 Assigning Agency or Department (CWE)
2.A.1.56 PRL - parent result link
2.A.1.56.1 Parent Observation Identifier (CE)
2.A.1.56.2 Parent Observation Sub-identifier (ST)
2.A.1.56.3 Parent Observation Value Descriptor (TX)
2.A.1.57 PT - processing type
2.A.1.57.1 Processing ID (ID)
2.A.1.57.2 Processing Mode (ID)
2.A.1.58 PTA - policy type and amount
2.A.1.58.1 Policy Type (IS)
2.A.1.58.2 Amount Class (IS)
2.A.1.58.3 Money or Percentage Quantity (NM)
2.A.1.58.4 Money or Percentage (MOP)
2.A.1.59 QIP - query input parameter list
2.A.1.59.1 Segment Field Name (ST)
2.A.1.59.2 Values (ST)
2.A.1.60 QSC - query selection criteria
2.A.1.60.1 Segment Field Name (ST)
2.A.1.60.2 Relational Operator (ID)
2.A.1.60.3 Value (ST)
2.A.1.60.4 Relational Conjunction (ID)
2.A.1.61 RCD - row column definition
2.A.1.61.1 Segment Field Name (ST)
2.A.1.61.2 HL7 Data Type (ID)
2.A.1.61.3 Maximum Column Width (NM)
2.A.1.62 RFR - reference range
2.A.1.62.1 Numeric Range (NR)
2.A.1.62.2 Administrative Sex (IS)
2.A.1.62.3 Age Range (NR)
2.A.1.62.4 Gestational Age Range (NR)
2.A.1.62.5 Species (TX)
2.A.1.62.6 Race/subspecies (ST)
2.A.1.62.7 Conditions (TX)
2.A.1.63 RI - repeat interval
2.A.1.63.1 Repeat Pattern (IS)
2.A.1.63.2 Explicit Time Interval (ST)
2.A.1.64 RMC - room coverage
2.A.1.64.1 Room Type (IS)
2.A.1.64.2 Amount Type (IS)
2.A.1.64.3 Coverage Amount Quantity (NM)
2.A.1.64.4 Money or Percentage (MOP)
2.A.1.65 RP - reference pointer
2.A.1.65.1 Pointer (ST)
2.A.1.65.2 Application ID (HD)
2.A.1.65.3 Type of Data (ID)
2.A.1.65.4 Subtype (ID)
2.A.1.65.5 Type-subtype Combinations
2.A. Image subtypes
2.A. Audio subtypes
2.A. Application subtypes
2.A.1.66 RPT - repeat pattern
2.A.1.66.1 Repeat Pattern Code (CWE)
2.A.1.66.2 Calendar Alignment (ID)
2.A.1.66.3 Phase Range Begin Value (NM)
2.A.1.66.4 Phase Range End Value (NM)
2.A.1.66.5 Period Quantity (NM)
2.A.1.66.6 Period Units (IS)
2.A.1.66.7 Institution Specified Time (ID)
2.A.1.66.8 Event (ID)
2.A.1.66.9 Event Offset Quantity (NM)
2.A.1.66.10 Event Offset Units (IS)
2.A.1.66.11 General Timing Specification (GTS)
2.A.1.67 SAD - street address
2.A.1.67.1 Street or Mailing Address (ST)
2.A.1.67.2 Street Name (ST)
2.A.1.67.3 Dwelling Number (ST)
2.A.1.68 SCV - scheduling class value pair
2.A.1.68.1 Parameter Class (CWE)
2.A.1.68.2 Parameter Value (ST)
2.A.1.69 SI - sequence ID
2.A.1.70 SN - structured numeric
2.A.1.70.1 Comparator (ST)
2.A.1.70.2 Num1 (NM)
2.A.1.70.3 Separator/Suffix (ST)
2.A.1.70.4 Num2 (NM)
2.A.1.71 SPD - specialty description
2.A.1.71.1 Specialty Name (ST)
2.A.1.71.2 Governing Board (ST)
2.A.1.71.3 Eligible or Certified (ID)
2.A.1.71.4 Date of Certification (DT)
2.A.1.72 SPS - specimen source
2.A.1.72.1 Specimen Source Name or Code (CWE)
2.A.1.72.2 Additives (CWE)
2.A.1.72.3 Specimen Collection Method (TX)
2.A.1.72.4 Body Site (CWE)
2.A.1.72.5 Site Modifier (CWE)
2.A.1.72.6 Collection Method Modifier Code (CWE)
2.A.1.72.7 Specimen Role (CWE)
2.A.1.73 SRT - sort order
2.A.1.73.1 Sort-by Field (ST)
2.A.1.73.2 Sequencing (ID)
2.A.1.74 ST - string data
2.A.1.75 TM - time
2.A.1.76 TQ - timing quantity
2.A.1.76.1 Quantity component (CQ)
2.A.1.76.2 Interval component (RI)
2.A.1.76.3 Duration component (ST)
2.A.1.76.4 Start date/time component (TS)
2.A.1.76.5 End date/time component (TS)
2.A.1.76.6 Priority component (ST)
2.A.1.76.7 Condition component (ST)
2.A.1.76.8 Text component (TX)
2.A.1.76.9 Conjunction component (ID)
2.A.1.76.10 Order sequencing component (OSD)
2.A.1.76.11 Occurrence duration component (CE)
2.A.1.76.12 Total occurrences component (NM)
2.A.1.77 TS - time stamp
2.A.1.77.1 Time (DTM)
2.A.1.77.2 Degree of Precision (ID)
2.A.1.78 TX - text data
2.A.1.79 UVC - UB value code and amount
2.A.1.79.1 Value Code (CNE)
2.A.1.79.2 Value Amount (MO)
2.A.1.80 VH - visiting hours
2.A.1.80.1 Start Day Range (ID)
2.A.1.80.2 End Day Range (ID)
2.A.1.80.3 Start Hour Range (TM)
2.A.1.80.4 End Hour Range (TM)
2.A.1.81 VID - version identifier
2.A.1.81.1 Version ID (ID)
2.A.1.81.2 Internationalization Code (CE)
2.A.1.81.3 International Version ID (CE)
2.A.1.82 VR - value range
2.A.1.82.1 First Data Code Value (ST)
2.A.1.82.2 Last Data Code Value (ST)
2.A.1.83 WVI - channel identifier
2.A.1.83.1 Channel Number (NM)
2.A.1.83.2 Channel Name (ST)
2.A.1.84 WVS - waveform source
2.A.1.84.1 Source One Name (ST)
2.A.1.84.2 Source Two Name (ST)
2.A.1.85 XAD - extended address
2.A.1.85.1 Street Address (SAD)
2.A.1.85.2 Other Designation (ST)
2.A.1.85.3 City (ST)
2.A.1.85.4 State or Province (ST)
2.A.1.85.5 Zip or Postal Code (ST)
2.A.1.85.6 Country (ID)
2.A.1.85.7 Address Type (ID)
2.A.1.85.8 Other Geographic Designation (ST)
2.A.1.85.9 County/Parish Code (IS)
2.A.1.85.10 Census Tract (IS)
2.A.1.85.11 Address Representation Code (ID)
2.A.1.85.12 Address Validity Range (DR)
2.A.1.85.13 Effective Date (TS)
2.A.1.85.14 Expiration Date (TS)
2.A.1.86 XCN - extended composite ID number and name for persons
2.A.1.86.1 ID number (ST)
2.A.1.86.2 Family Name (FN)
2.A.1.86.3 Given Name (ST)
2.A.1.86.4 Second and Further Given Names or Initials Thereof (ST)
2.A.1.86.5 Suffix (ST)
2.A.1.86.6 Prefix (ST)
2.A.1.86.7 Degree (IS)
2.A.1.86.8 Source Table (IS)
2.A.1.86.9 Assigning Authority (HD)
2.A.1.86.10 Name Type Code (ID)
2.A.1.86.11 Identifier Check Digit (ST)
2.A.1.86.12 Check Digit Scheme (ID)
2.A.1.86.13 Identifier Type Code (IS)
2.A.1.86.14 Assigning Facility (HD)
2.A.1.86.15 Name Representation Code (ID)
2.A.1.86.16 Name Context (CE)
2.A.1.86.17 Name Validity Range (DR)
2.A.1.86.18 Name Assembly Order (ID)
2.A.1.86.19 Effective Date (TS)
2.A.1.86.20 Expiration Date (TS)
2.A.1.86.21 Professional Suffix (ST)
2.A.1.86.22 Assigning Jurisdiction (CWE)
2.A.1.86.23 Assigning Agency or Department (CWE)
2.A.1.87 XON - extended composite name and identification number for organizations
2.A.1.87.1 Organization Name (ST)
2.A.1.87.2 Organization Name Type Code (IS)
2.A.1.87.3 ID Number (NM)
2.A.1.87.4 Check Digit (NM)
2.A.1.87.5 Check Digit Scheme (ID)
2.A.1.87.6 Assigning Authority (HD)
2.A.1.87.7 Identifier Type Code (IS)
2.A.1.87.8 Assigning Facility ID (HD)
2.A.1.87.9 Name Representation Code (ID)
2.A.1.87.10 Organization identifier (ST)
2.A.1.88 XPN - extended person name
2.A.1.88.1 Family Name (FN)
2.A.1.88.2 Given Name (ST)
2.A.1.88.3 Second and Further Given Names or Initials Thereof (ST)
2.A.1.88.4 Suffix (ST)
2.A.1.88.5 Prefix (ST)
2.A.1.88.6 Degree (IS)
2.A.1.88.7 Name Type Code (ID)
2.A.1.88.8 Name Representation Code (ID)
2.A.1.88.9 Name Context (CE)
2.A.1.88.10 Name Validity Range (DR)
2.A.1.88.11 Name Assembly Order (ID)
2.A.1.88.12 Effective date (TS)
2.A.1.88.13 Expiration date (TS)
2.A.1.88.14 Professional Suffix (ST)
2.A.1.89 XTN - extended telecommunication number
2.A.1.89.1 Telephone Number (ST)
2.A.1.89.2 Telecommunication Use Code (ID)
2.A.1.89.3 Telecommunication Equipment Type (ID)
2.A.1.89.4 Email Address (ST)
2.A.1.89.5 Area/city Code (NM)
2.A.1.89.6 Phone Number (NM)
2.A.1.89.7 Extension Prefix (ST)
2.A.1.89.8 Speed Dial Code (ST)
2.A.1.89.9 Unformatted Telephone Number (ST)
2.A . Control (continued)
Wic Reset Utility V 1.8.2 with Serial Crack 56